Fiddlers Grove Woodcarvers
Lebanon, TN
February 2021 Newsletter

Not much new since last month -- same old story just a different month except it is a lot colder! FYI, the following carving events have been cancelled for 2021: Ozarks Woodcarving Seminar in Springfield, MO -- typically in March, Southeastern Woodcarving School in Wetumpka, AL -- typically in July (Rescheduled to begin July 15, 2022), and the Carv-Fest in Faribult, MN -- typically in August. At this point, the Renegade Woodcarving Roundup at Fiddlers Grove, Lebanon, TN is still a go for March 22-26, 2021 and October 17-22, 2021.

Old Business:

We hope to get back to meeting soon -- it depends on how things are going with COVID and the variants. We don't want to put anyone at risk by meeting so stay tuned for more information in the future.

I received a note from Randall Clemons regarding upcoming events in Granville -- Keep these dates in mind.

We would like to have woodcarvers at our festivals on the following dates April 10, May 29, and Oct 2. We would deeply appreciate your support.

New Business:

I received the following update from Butch:

I am recovering very nicely. I have my follow-up appointment on Wednesday, 17 February and I hope the doctor will release me at that time. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers.
Regards, Butch

Show & Tell

Butch sent a few pictures that he indicated we may have seen before but it is always fun to see Butch's work.

Hilda has a caricature which is a work in progress:

Gene carved a Moose which we featured last month but here is a different view of the moose. He just returned home from a fishing trip in Mexico: Hmmm, I wonder if he saw Ted Cruz while he was down there!

Clark has been carving bark and also had a bit of a misadventure with his band saw!

Dedee said that she has not done much carving but she has been doing some scroll saw work and wood burning. She indicated that if you wanted the pattern for the scroll saw bunny, she would be happy to share it with you. It's good to see Dedee back!

Rich is carving Mr. Redlegs (Cincinnatti Reds mascot) for a friend and the wood was giving him such a hard time, he cut his head off! So take that Mr. Redlegs, never mess with a guy with a bandsaw -- and from Clark's picture above, it appears that a guy should never mess with a bandsaw!!

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